Deploying Static Web PHP to Web App Azure

When our team share knowledge to student in my campus, I know that everyone have a lot of perspective and basic knowledge. Before we decide to using Web base on Php, we propose to using python as web app. We gather all information about what kind of web app that we can use as a demo so everyone will get the idea what we want to share. Continue reading

Using Data Science Virtual Machine Ubuntu Azure – Jupyter Notebook

I have a problem when I try some of application about Data Science. The problem is my laptop cannot support and must always re-install if I want to build Machine Learning and Deep Learning. It make me spend a lot of time to learn more about data science. So I think i can use Cloud to develop my own project. To solve my problem I use Azure. What kind of Azure that I use? First I think, using Azure Machine Learning Studio is one of the solution, but I think that’s not the solution. I search and then I find Azure Data Science for native. FYI, I’m new in Machine Learning so  I must learn step by step. Continue reading

What is Git ?

Before we talk about Git. We know that every one that use Git especially like Github the biggest version control repository to Code. When we talk about code, first we must know what is code. The purpose that i code something because i want to finishing my college task, personal project and sometimes we do that for show off (haha). When my first year as Computer Science student I don’t really get how to make “beautiful code” and then I learn from many articel and from hands on that beatiful code is important. Continue reading

Anak Muda dan Solusi

Start-Up merupakan 2 buah kata yang menjadi satu yang hampir seluruh mahasiswa sering mendengar kata itu dan salah mengartikannya. Kalau diartikan Start-Up perkata, Start itu berarti memulai dan Up berarti menuju keatas atau berkembang, dengan kata lain Start-Up ada adalah memulai memulai dan berkembang. Jika dilihat dari mata biasa, banyak orang beranggapan bahwa Start-Up ini hanya bisa dilakukan dan dikerjakan oleh mereka yang sudah terlebih dahulu mengenal Continue reading